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Intra-day trading and on becoming a Money-Manager – Stage 3 & 4 of the VTP

Fellow Traders,

I will be starting this years Stage 3 & 4 of the VTP from next week. It’s based on utilising the acknowledged strengths of traders and veterans namely: Process, Discipline and Self-Awareness. I am offering it out to other traders to take one of the last couple of spaces.

Stage 3 and 4 will run in the second half of 2018 will start later next week. As usual I’ll be limiting it to a small group people per group to keep it manageable. There are already several VTP members on the course so I am offering it out to other traders to take one of the last couple of spaces.

Stage 3 will be focussed on intra-day trading, in particular of FX & Indices.

It will consist of:

– 2 Full days on 19th & 20th July

– 2 x online sessions

For a total of 15 hours working together

There will be one session on preparation for trading intra-day and what you need to do to be successful and then there will be a session each specifically on trading intra-day FX and one specifically on trading Indices.

The idea will be that it will build on several of the concepts used in Stage 1 & 2 and provide strategies and tactics for intra-day success. As always there will be a major focus on risk, money and trade management. These are crucial for intra-day trading.

Stage 4 will be on Managing Self and becoming a Money Manager. Its aimed at helping you evolve in your trading towards professional status, whilst building your own trading business.

It will consist of:

– 2 x full days on 22nd & 23rd November

– 1 x follow-up online session

For a total of 13 hours working together

It’ll will be split into 2 sections namely: Half on managing self and the other half on managing money – namely other peoples. You may or may not have dreams of becoming a money-manager, however acting as if you are a fund manager is never a bad thing in your own trading business. It holds you to a higher standard in your own behaviour. This whole stage will be focused on what you need to do to build your own trading business that will put you in the right space to be able to seek funding (if that is your wish).

You can choose to do both Stages or just the one that is suitable for your needs. So as always there’s a cost implication: the cost for Stage 3 will be £447 and for Stage 4 will be £347. In total that would be £794. However for viewers of this blog or members of the London or Dublin Traders Network I will be offering a super reduced price of £694 for the both.

As always it’s on a first-come, first-served basis. If you’re interested or want to know more then drop me a line.

Trade well,


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